An Unexpected Turnabout was an exhibition I set up at 6:50pm on the11th February. This was an event that you had to be there for to view and experience my sculptures, this was an exhibition in which nobody was invited, if they came they were genuinely interested and in the right place at the right time. Invitations are too formal, just like the paperwork system of this world, its stupid and a waste of time, if its possible to do something, then do it.
In the art world the artist relies on the public to reflect upon their work, to give good and bad feedback, some go because they feel it is Compulsory to go, but in my idea, I can decide who can view my work, the more private the event the more special it is because the people who want to see the work have more of a chance of looking at the work in peace without the stuck up people who think they know it all slander the work when they are not even interested in it in the first place.
The people that come are the ones who truly get to see something special and personal, because they were there which in turn makes them part of the art. I consider this to be an underground project. It happens only once for a period of time then disappears, just like anything in life, once its gone its gone. I refer this back to my "Recycling the Recycled" project because the materials that we buy and consume will be there one day and gone the next. it will be like there was nothing there to begin with which leaves lots of people disappointed because they never had the chance to see, touch, feel, listen or taste whatever is available.
Consider it like this, you can't have your cake and eat it too right? it's the same principal, the world is a harsh, competitive place where nobody shares, they can give away and part with some things but it will take a very generous person to share a cake, a full one at that. This is a similar thing, the exhibition was done, people saw and took away their share of the experience until there was nothing left, then the room returned to normal as though nothing was there to begin with.
For those who didn't get a chance there is the possibility of photographs, captured by myself however you wouldn't be experiencing it through your own eyes, you would be seeing it with mine which makes the artwork part of my experience, not your own, however from what you could see, you can imagine what is there. I will not be explaining my work as that is also part of the artwork, there are no answers to why things come and go, only theories and debates of what it is or what it is supposed to represent, this is up to you.
Either way, I hope you enjoy my exhibition.