Saturday, 12 May 2012

(Ba Hons) Fine Art Year 1

University First Project - Drawing Project - Find An Art piece that inspires you, use this to develop and create.

Here are a few art pieces from the last few years. This series of art pieces was my Artwork from my first year of university in which I was to look at another artists paintings/sculptures and create something through getting inspired from this, however my inspiration did not go very far, so from this I began creating still life images through studying a ball of colored tape that was to be thrown away however I salvaged this and used it for myself, with this I started using a series of different mediums such as chalk, charcoal, paint, HB pencils, parcel paper and any other materials which I could find.

As my experimentation went on I observed the tape ball from all sides and began to work more on a larger scale soon noticing that a small tape ball had so much potential for artwork although I was left somewhat unsatisfied as this could be developed further so continued to find alternatives to present and create my art.

Caged Sphere
James Bamford
charcoal and chalk on parcel paper

This was one of the first few experiments that I worked on as I focused on still life studies using a variety of different materials such as pencil, paint, charcoal and chalk. I also considered different textures within the paper that I had such as old paper bags from places that i had shopped at as I liked the feel of the paper, I also found that with chalk and charcoal, the paper grips really well, with the minor lines, this added an effect to the image, I attempted to use scrap pieces of card however it did not have the same texture or effect as the parcel paper, I had also used pastels, the colors stood out but it lacked something that i was unsure of.

Tape Ball Still Life Study I
James Bamford
Chalk and Charcoal on parcel paper

Tape Ball Still Life Study II
James Bamford
Chalk and pastels on cardboard

Tape Ball Still Life Study III
James Bamford
Chalk and Charcoal on Paper

Ink Blot
James Bamford
Indian ink on cardboard

This was a long enduring project in which I grew to enjoy as I realized the complication of creating was more satisfying than something that could be done almost instantly, even though the wait for its completion was quite irritating sometimes as my patience grew thin. However there were a few experiments that happened quickly like this one, I call this a 'Happy accident' as a splat of ink fell onto some cardboard, this was totally unrelated to my project and happened to stumble upon this by chance, I had an idea to blow it about with a straw and blow it about in all different directions, also folding the card into a square so the card would absorb the ink creating an ink blot image which I found to be a successful random experiment.

Life Down The Drain
James Bamford

For this I drank whiskey for three nights in a row to "get a feel" of what i was researching into, my addiction idea inspired this and i realized that whiskey was an alcohol that a lot of people had talked about, i realized it had a very strong and hard taste to it that made me drink a lot of it even though i didn't like it, a bit like an addiction however i don't drink alcohol that much.

I was attempting to create an image of people drinking their life away. the blue (food coloring)  that i poured on top of it with the black Indian ink created an interesting effect the black removed the name making it like the alcohol makes the drinker become a "nobody", their name wiped away into nothing. the blue represents the crazy feelings that people get when they drink this and when it clashes  it ends in rage and violence, from what i understand anyway.

University Second Project - Mixed Media - Landscape

These images happened on an accidental basis as my printer ink was running low and was originally intending to use this image to trace from however lines begin to appear and i realized that this idea may work if I included the lines too to create a sense of abstraction within the city, i divided the photo into 6 separate A4 sheets and worked bigger.

As shown this is a combination of Line, color and tones along with the bad quality of the image made into something far more interesting which I happened to stumble across by accident which I really liked to do. this was the starting point of many new ideas in the future.

James Bamford
Acetate and black permanent marker.

Harris Museum
James Bamford
Parcel paper, willow charcoal and chalk

This was my second project which was based around landscape, for this i began to research something different from my first project of still life drawings, I cut out various images of an architecture magazine to cut and paste to create a large scale city scene as shown took a lot of development, this expanded into a few of my paintings later on but using the cut outs of the pages that layered into one another to create a new image in its own way, this was a technique that I found was an interesting starting point for me to work from.

Cityscape Collage
James Bamford

Cityscape Collage
James Bamford

Cityscape Collage
James Bamford

Cityscape Collage
James Bamford

Cityscape Collage
James Bamford

Cityscape Collage
James Bamford

Cityscape Collage
James Bamford

This was an experiment that i had worked on previously which was successful to pain in singular colors with a complimenting secondary color to recreate an image which i liked. here I have used teal and white acrylic paint to recreate images that i have found interesting or formed myself from cutouts. I no longer have these Paintings as they have been either lost or destroyed. The measurements I am unsure about however they were just a little bit larger than an A4 sheet of paper.

Whiskey Bottle From Birds Eye View
James Bamford
Acrylic on MDF

Cutout 1
James Bamford
Acrylic on MDF

Cutout 2
James Bamford
Acrylic on MDF

Cutout 3
James Bamford
Acrylic on MDF

James Bamford
Acrylic on MDF

James Bamford
Acrylic on MDF

Colorful Shave
James Bamford
Acrylic on MDF

Razor Blades
James Bamford
Acrylic on MDF

Cutout 4
James Bamford
Acrylic on MDF

James Bamford
Acrylic on MDF

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