Sunday, 18 November 2012

Life is art

Life Is Art (A Personal Philosophy) 

In everyone's life there is a massive canvas that each of us has
it cannot be seen physically but mentally
its bigger than anything you have ever seen an you spend your entire life creating it to perfection
each person you meet adds a contribution to your painting
as you do to theirs
leaving a mark on it
its a very beautiful thing that is created on the canvas
sometimes people fall out and wish to forget about that person
so they use paint remover to erase that persons mark
so there is space for someone else to leave their mark in the future
this sort of painting is considered priceless
its the best thing you have ever seen
the biggest achievement you will ever make
there are different ways in which people create their art
some attack the canvas madly
others add detail to everything
some choose to destroy the canvas (suicide)
others pierce the canvas
some change the colors with dye
some burn parts of the canvas
some apply lots of memories into a massive collage
what do you think?

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